awwww the skrimblo !! just the skurnkly ! omg so skroinky X3 !! how on earf did u get so silly ??!!11??11! plz teach me da wayz of bein so silly !!


OMG HAIIII welcome 2 my site XD

I am Krow! I like silly things, meat, cats, fruity ppl, and clowns. If you scroll to the bottom of my page there is little meat friend to play with.

I have to fill up these silly text things with words so my page look scleaner but i don't know what i'm meant to say... i am fruity and i am from canada and i fucking hate it here but whatever. i like playing my silly videogames and doing silly things in my silly room. my hair is pink and i need to get more piercings. mmmm nothing like word vomit to fill the void.

meow meoow moew meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowm meow

^^^here is a silly meat image that i very much enjoy. meat cow meat cow meat cow meat cow mea

Quote of the day:

"If your ball is too big for your mouth, it's not yours."

- Dog of Wisdom